The show is written and produced by Perry Goldstein. Anyone who has attended Perry’s productions in the past are well aware of how entertaining his shows are.
His past productions at Beth David include Dinner and a Show, The Jews of Rock & Roll and The Beach Boys Shabbat Service.
Get your tickets early as this show is likely to sell out.
The Brotherhood is seeking sponsors for its upcoming Fiddler on the Roof Sing-Along on December 10. A $100 sponsorship includes two reserved seats at the show, and a $50 sponsorship includes one reserved seat at the show. In addition, the names of the sponsors will be prominently displayed on the monitor in the Temple lobby on the evening of the show. To become a sponsor, please mail a check to the Temple by December 4, payable to TBD Brotherhood, with the notation “Fiddler Sponsor” on the check.
Click here for flier and more information