Does your child like to sing? Junior choir is open to all Kindergartener through 7th graders!
Junior choir rehearses most Sundays (except for Hanukkah and Purim Carnival Days) after religious school from 11:30 AM – 12:00 PM.
The Junior choir learns additional Jewish and secular music not taught during religious school. The Junior Choir sings on the first Friday night Shabbat Family service every month. They’ll also sing and participate in our Simchat Torah service, our Hanukkah service, our Purim Shpiel and perform at the annual Mother’s Day Brunch hosted by our Brotherhood. If you’re returning to the Junior Choir or wanting to try it out we’re happy to have you to join us!
If your child would like to participate please email me your contact information, including your name, email, phone number and child’s name and grade.
Cantorial Soloist Nancy Linder Temple Beth David since 2000 [email protected]